的 Department of 社会学与社会工作 at St. 爱德华的 University brings students together who are committed to creating a better world by improving people's quality of life and ensuring the justice and safety of communities.

2020-21学年社会学学位计划 可以在这里找到 社会工作 degree plan for 2020-2021 可以在这里找到.

项目 in this department combine a broad liberal arts education with:

  • Study of multiple disciplines combining areas such as psychology, 社会学, 人类学, 生物学, 化学, 统计数据, 政治科学
  • 比如社会正义, 犯罪学, 比赛, class, 性别, 文化意识, 社会福利, 以及人类行为
  • 职业准备

Students achieve a breadth of knowledge and expertise and learn how to handle a variety of challenging situations. 的y learn to examine situations at an individual, 集团, 社区, and institutional level to assess problems and find appropriate solutions. Our programs are research-intensive and guide students in developing a scientific approach to problem-solving. 在整个项目中, students develop important research skills and have the chance to present professional-level work. 

We also provide opportunities for field work and service learning, so students can apply their knowledge and skills in a practical application. This gives students the chance to use what they learn in class to make a difference in the local 社区. Our students are united by shared values, including service to others and dedication to influencing positive social change. 



实习 provide valuable opportunities for students to apply their skills and knowledge, 接受专业社会化, 扩大他们的网络, and explore career opportunities for after graduation. 实习 give students with the chance to help others and improve the local 社区. Students also learn the importance of professional communication and experience hands-on learning. 

Examples of organizations where students in our department have interned:

  • 奥斯汀教育合作伙伴
  • 奥斯汀警察局
  • 奥斯汀特拉维斯县综合医疗中心
  • 奥斯汀自闭症协会
  • 突破
  • 明爱
  • Children’s Advocacy 中心 of Texas
  • 学校社区
  • 夫人阁下
  • 克罗克特高中
  • C5德州青年基金会
  • 基础的社区
  • Gardner-Betts Juvenile Justice Center
  • 女孩摇滚营! -奥斯丁
  • Girlstart
  • McCabe Center (federal convict re-entry)
  • 母亲反对酒驾
  • 小波埃斯佩兰萨
  • 岭橡树生活社区
  • 安全地带
  • 德克萨斯州总检察长
  • 德州民权项目
  • 德克萨斯州受害者服务协会
  • 三一中心
  • 特拉维斯县州立监狱
  • U.S. 地方法院
  • U.S. 联邦监狱局
  • U.S. 警察服务
  • 青年宣传

教师 & 工作人员

搜索校园目录 to find 社会学与社会工作 faculty and staff.


Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD)

All 社会学 majors and minors are eligible to apply to the International 社会学 Honor Society for 社会学 students and faculty. Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD), the international 社会学 honor society seeks to acknowledge and promote excellence in scholarship in the study of 社会学, 社会问题的研究, and such other social and intellectual activities as will lead to improvement in the human condition. 

Phi Alpha Honor Society for 社会工作 (Phi Alpha)

Phi Alpha is an Honor Society for 社会工作 majors who have achieved high academic standards and wish to give more to the surrounding 社区 through service. "Through knowledge - the challenge is to serve."

社会工作 Student Association (SWSA)

的 purpose of the organization is to commit to human service and social justice, demonstrate and promote the core values of the social work profession, bring awareness of social justice issues, and promote social justice and social change.